Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Next EKAF Village meeting Eastry 23rd April

The next EKAF Village meeting will be at Eastry Village Hall on Weds 23rd April @ 7:30pm

We have the latest version of ' The truth behind the Dash for Gas' (approx 55mins) & Hydrogeologist Graham Warren of Protect Kent CPRE speaking on the threat to our water presented by unconventional oil & gas

All welcome.

New group in Adisham

Good News! Adisham Against Fracking was set up at a meeting last Thursday, 27th March. 

They have decided they would like to be a satellite group of EKAF and will be sending a member to the EKAF committee meetings, starting on the 30th.

They will be producing flyers to inform residents of their activities and alert them to the risks of fracking.